• A Spatula and Some Windex

    Mary Ruefle

    Spring 2017

    Most of the time, I haven’t had time
    In general, time has not been there to hold me
    For much of my life, I haven’t felt that I am special to time
    I have rarely had time give me sound advice
    I find myself clinging to time because I am afraid it will leave
    I need time so much I worry about losing it
    I worry that time will abandon me
    When I feel time pulling away from me, I get desperate
    Sometimes I am so worried about time I think I drive it away
    I feel that time will take advantage of me
    I can’t let my guard down in the presence of time
    It is only a matter of time
    I am quite suspicious of time
    I am usually on the lookout for time’s ulterior motives
    I don’t fit into time
    I’m fundamentally different from time
    I’m a loner when it comes to time
    I have a difficult time demanding that my rights be respected by time
    I’m the one who usually ends up taking care of time
    Am I a good person because I think of time more than myself?
    I am too self-conscious to show others how I waste time

    Mary Ruefle is the author of, most recently, Dunce. She is the recipient of numerous honors, including the 2017  Aiken Taylor Award in Modern American Poetry.

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