• The World As It Was

    Didi Jackson

    Spring 2024

    When the moon has gone I fly on alone
    —W. S. Merwin 


    That wolf of a day, the woodlands of my new grief:
    you ate all the words, you fed me only worry.
    Now it is all I can eat for years and years to come.
    You wove a blanket of wool that covers me, the threads
    like worms. My grief is an empty womb as pink as quartz.
    Everything is wrong. Even the whippoorwill calls
    in the afternoon rather than under the woeful moon
    that now sits in a woodpile of stars. Useless.

    Didi Jackson is the author of Moon Jar and the forthcoming collection My Infinity. She is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Vanderbilt University.

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