• Craft Lecture
    Brandon Taylor

    It seems to me that a great deal of contemporary novels, usually realist, take place in a society that is aridly secular by default. This arid secularity, I believe, is a breeding ground for a banal variety of moral relativism.

    Media, Podcast

    In which Cindy Juyoung Ok speaks across the rupture.

    Lily Meyer

    No matter his subject, Lemebel wrote against loneliness.

    Eduardo Martínez-Leyva

    Missing history we wanted to piece back together. Stitch it like an heirloom

    Jami Nakamura Lin

    There were no rules for being your own ouroboros. For eating the thing that ate you over and over again.

    Whitney Weiss

    I think about how much money those bosses made off of our bodies.

    Matthew Nienow

    I will be survived by this open acre
    ringed by cedars and firs, this
    meadow collecting yellow light

    Caitlin McCormick

    Eleanor and Margaret got coffee twice more, each time further from campus until finally coffee became dinner. Margaret learned that having Eleanor’s singular attention felt so pleasant as to be excruciating.

    Mary Jo Salter

    Mrs. Flowers!  The old man
    laughs at the thought of her, the dragon.

    Jasmin Sandelson

    It feels impossible to articulate—to trap in words—the shock of embodiment. And yet it feels like there is power in the saying.

    Hannah Bonner

    Told in clipped, perfunctory prose, Liars exemplifies constraint: each short paragraph is a perfect, clenched fist.

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