• Georgics

    Caki Wilkinson

    Spring 2020


    Of the joys of certain ruminants in spring,
    crop gods and clod gods, gods of rut and swine;
    of what is suckled and of suckling;
    of plows and fallow knolls, deep-throated streams
    and metaphors about the ministry
    of bees, I cannot sing. These aren’t my themes.
    The names of birds elude me. Likewise, wine
    all tastes the same. I’m bad at husbandry.
    I have a history of killing plants.
    The only thing I’ve ever farmed is ants.


    Well, mostly I just watched, suggestively,
    as things went south: three boyfriends in a row
    I gave ant farms. You’ve seen the classic kit:
    plastic pastoral, sand, a mail-in form
    to claim your army. This was not a hit
    with Boyfriend 1, who left it in his dorm,

    Caki Wilkinson is the author of the poetry collections Circles Where the Head Should Be (2011) and The Wynona Stone Poems (2015).  New poems have appeared in or are forthcoming in the New Yorker, the Nation, the Yale Review, and Kenyon Review. She lives in Memphis, Tennessee.

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