• My Lawyer Said that I Should Call Her

    Rebecca Wolff

    Fall 2017

    If I was visited by a ghost in the night and changed 

    my mind—      Executive 


    functioning in highest 

    order. The ghost comes, sits, says, in what tongue, in language I can understand. She says I’m sick of poems. Verse for the living. She knows 


    I only speak to ghosts now, only ghosts talk to me, when I speak to myself it is in ghost 


    Rebecca Wolff is the author of four collections of poetry, most recently One Morning[Symbol] (Wave Books, 2015), and a novel, The Beginners (Riverhead Books, 2011). She is the editor of Fence, and lives in the Hudson Valley, where she is a fellow at the New York State Writers Institute at the University at Albany.

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