• The Palace of Forty Pillars

    Armen Davoudian

    Summer 2019

    Isfahan nesfe jahan
    Isfahan is half the world

    Popular saying in Iran


    Twenty pillars drip into the pool

    their likenesses, where the likeness of a boy

    wavers among the clouds, eyeing the boy

    who’s waiting for another. All is dual:

    two rows of roses frame the pond, in twos

    the swans glide, each on another’s breast, then fuse

    in a headless embrace. All is dissolved:

    the boy outside the water is no more

    Armen Davoudian's poems and translations from Persian have appeared or are forthcoming in the Yale Review, the Michigan Quarterly Review, and Literary Matters. He grew up in Isfahan, Iran and is currently pursuing a PhD in English at Stanford University. 

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