• Why I Don't Wait

    Vievee Francis

    Spring 2022

    Because I used to and
    now the years have gone by
    and some of them without me.

    And my passions have drifted
    or heightened and either way
    they have my attention.

    Because there are some who don’t
    mind and will meet me where I am.

    And those who simply like the right now
    no matter what the right now holds
    and there is danger in going back, remember?
    And what is there ahead if our feet slip now
    because we refused to see where we stand?

    Vievee Francis is the author of The Shared World, which is forthcoming from Northwestern University Press; Forest Primeval, winner of the 2017 Kingsley Tufts Award; Horse in the Dark, winner of the Cave Canem Northwestern University Press Poetry Prize; and Blue-Tail Fly. She is the recipient of the 2021 Aiken Taylor Award for Modern American Poetry.

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